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3 Top-Notch Prompts for Writing Pride and Prejudice Essay

Pride and Prejudice, written by one of the great novelist Jane Austen is often included in the syllabus to introduce the students to one of the early literary works of World Literature. Therefore, the students quite often get assignments of essays on this classic. The following are some top-notch prompts, which will help you to write an extra ordinary essay on the novel.

  1. Representation of women throughout the novel
    In the nineteenth century when the author wrote this masterpiece women has several disadvantages in the society. They were the victims of several gender injustices - denial of the right to vote, deprived of higher education, social bindings and several others. Austen has criticized and pointed to towards the injustice concentrating on the background of marriage. One of the characters - Charlotte Lucas decides to marry Collins to gain security. Through the character portrayal of younger Bennet sisters, she has expressed her disregard for lighthearted women. The portrayal of Elizabeth’s character shows that she is different from the present society but again she has projected that the character was an exception.
    You can use quotations from the text itself.
  2. Austen’s approach towards the class issue
    However, the novelist has criticized the class difference issue present on those days, but her standpoint on the issues was overall moderate. She has accepted and sometimes appreciated the class hierarchy. At the same time, she has raised her voice by pointing that this prejudice of class-consciousness can harm the society.
    You can explain the journey of the character Darcy, the change of Elizabeth’s feelings for Darcy etc. to prove this point.
  3. A love story
    In spite of the criticism of class-consciousness and gender issues, “Pride and Prejudice” manages well to remain a classic example of a great love story. It clearly depicts family reputation has a very little to do with one’s personality. The love of story of both Elizabeth -Darcy and Jane – Bingley goes through many hurdles but manages to stay in the heart of the readers. Their relationship says love is above of all class-consciousness and family reputation.

These are some examples of prompts for your essay. However, you can be bold and go for some more critical ones, which might score you, high.
